Posts tagged with Maven

Featured image for "Dependency vulnerability checks with SonarQube"

Dependency vulnerability checks with SonarQube

With recent vulnerabilities like Log4Shell and SpringShell, we're reminded of the importance of updating your dependencies. In this tutorial I'll show you how OWASP and SonarQube can help you with that.

Featured image for "Bundling your React app with Spring boot"

Bundling your React app with Spring boot

In this tutorial I'll show you how you can bundle your React app together with Spring boot.

Featured image for "Containerizing your Spring boot application with Docker"

Containerizing your Spring boot application with Docker

The world of DevOps is here. In this tutorial I'll be writing a Spring application and wrap it inside Docker containers.

Featured image for "Generating documentation for your REST API with Spring and Swagger"

Generating documentation for your REST API with Spring and Swagger

With Springfox, we can generate documentation for REST APIs written in Spring. In this article, I'll use some Maven plugins to make this offline available.

Featured image for "Mapping beans with MapStruct"

Mapping beans with MapStruct

Object mapping is a common practice in developing apps when you need to get across the different tiers. MapStruct is a framework for mapping objects.

Featured image for "Executing Jasmine tests with Maven"

Executing Jasmine tests with Maven

In modern webapps, you will be using more than just Java. You will write JavaScript code too. With Maven + Jasmine you can test your JavaScript code.