Posts tagged with Spring boot

Featured image for "Testing modern web applications"

Testing modern web applications

There are a lot of aspects that have to be covered while testing modern web applications. In this tutorial series I would like to talk about these aspects.

Featured image for "Testing your Spring Boot application with Selenium"

Testing your Spring Boot application with Selenium

Functional testing never has been easier with Spring Boot and FluentLenium, a wrapper framework for Selenium, using a fluent API.

Featured image for "Easy integration testing with Spring Boot and REST-Assured"

Easy integration testing with Spring Boot and REST-Assured

Spring boot allows you to easily write an application, but it also provides the tools to run the application for using in integration tests.

Featured image for "Rapid prototyping with Spring Boot and AngularJS"

Rapid prototyping with Spring Boot and AngularJS

When people say "Java" they usually think "slow". However, with Spring Boot and AngularJS you can create prototypes really fast.